February 5, 2011

Life is cheesy, deal with it!

Haha, I decided I'd write something. I usually never write something when I feel like I want to write cause I know my thoughts just get mixed up and in the end nothing makes sense... Anyway so I wrote down 3 things I'll be writing about, maybe it'll work stuff out.
Let's start off with the first topic, my paper says "Life is CHEESY", okay. So... Idk what to say Haha FAIL, anyway but life is cheesy. I mean really, life is cheesy. Just think about it, all the kinda 'lame' stuff like 'yeah I wish there wasn't war in the world' and blahblah idk like.. Idk, all kinda normal so to say 'cheesy' stuff is actually what life is a lot about. I mean, the world WOULD be a better place without war. Like if everyone could love each other and stuff. Loving each other is fun. and nice. and peaceful. and shit. U know. and and. uh. Cheesy stuff like wisdoms about life andand idk EVERYTHING that people consider normal = cheesy in some grade but so true.
... I sound a bit drunk don't I? AGH whatever not like anyone would read this so yeah really, I don't care.

NEXT TOPIC! Hmmmmm. So I noticed how photographers are much more social and stuff than like.. artists that draw. And that's just stupid. But understandable. I mean artists that draw can be locked up in their own world and hide from the real one, while photographers pretty much have to be out in the real world to survive, cause you can't paint a photo. Still, it's just stupid that so many people have such low selfesteem, they should have classes or something in school on how to love yourself cause really, that will be your most useful weapon in the future; loving and trusting yourself and stuff. Fake it 'til you make it. Mia Törnblom.
And to the last topic, "How smart people are... smart, but still just humans.". Yeah. Topic describes it quite good. How smart people are smart but still just human. I mean, I always respect people older than me or people who I consider MUCH smarter than me (cause they in most cases are.....) but then after a while, I notice that hey, they're still all just human. They also make mistakes. and they don't know everything. they don't know what will happen when we die, how everything started. They might not even know how to use a goddamn phone properly. So yeah, makes them humans after all. Tho I still feel like they're a bit alien to people like me. Stupid people like me. 
Am I giving a negative pic of myself? oh no, you're wrong. I don't actually think I'm stupid li-... Okay well, most of the time, yes I do believe I'm stupid, cause I hate moments that happen if I think I know something, but I'm not 100% sure, and then I'm liek YEAH ofc it's like that ! and then someone eventually finds out or is like Hahahaha Noooo wat u smoking bro? it's absolutely NOT like that! and then I'm like ........... .__. SO YEAH to be on the safe side, I call myself stupid. Then no one can have any goddamn expectations and I can blame it all on the stupidy if something goes wrong <3 I actually love myself quite a bit cause I'm awesome like that, no lis told bro. You wanna hear something else that's also true? YOU'RE awesome. Just as awesome as I am, and I love you for that. And I think you should love yourself for that too. Cause you're simply just that awesome. 
What did I just write? Does it matter? No, I don't think so. I'll leave you bro's and hoe's for nao, go get some snacks and then go sleep. I'm so tired.
Love you guys ♥

- Niko

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