January 28, 2011

Games Games Games

Hello people of earth! ... Yeah, I'm back from the dead aka feeling better. Been sick for the past .. 2½ days? Had almost 40 degrees of fever, phew. Was a pain in my butt! But yeah, feeling better now, atm my tummy's just going crazy, cause of two reasons; one, I'm a woman. Two, I've been eating Mynthons all day cause my throat is so fucked and well known, Mynthons contain some stuff that eventually will have an laxative effect if you eat it too much.. so yeah.
Gah my eyes, why do people keep shutting the lights off, if it's too dark my eyes will start hurting... 
Uh so yeah.. I've finished watching both .Hack//SIGN and Panty & Stocking during these 2 days at home, so I've pretty much just watched anime all day (and night).
I wanna listen to music, I wanna listen to music! But I can't, cause I'm downstairs and my headphones are.. somewhere.. + my ears hurt so.. no headphones for me. Also I wanna draw... and play Amnesia, omnomnom. I actually could play Amnesia.. It's not like I'd be doing anything else. Oh oh, this reminds me, I've also played through Assassin's Creed, man I'm proud. Normally I never get through games cause I seriously suck at playing games and I always end up using cheats and stuff, haha. But I'm telling you, Al Mualim was truly a pain in your butt in the end... 
Lol my sister's having some kinda 'Snow Party', their chit chat is epic. Makes me laugh. Oh well, back to the gaming topic, anyone played a game called 'Oni'? Actually quite a shitty game, but it's also one of those games I've never played through without cheats, I guess I could do it someday.. 
I've just been talking about games, haha, I'm gonna end this entry with mentioning that I really should change the layout of this blog.. meh, some other day, when I feel like it. 


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