November 15, 2011


ahahaha today I got my first penis enlargement email, I feel cool. And I shouldn't actually be on the internet, but I still am. And Agnes Obel is amazing. once again.

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

Srsly, I don't really know many guys who are famous that I find attractive. maybe like.. Johnny Depp or someshit but that's like it. I just don't.. see a lot of famous guys ahahaha :'D

I don't have anything to really say, i just feel like I need to fucking update for once. On last friday I went to buy some pants, and I came back with a pair of purple pants, blue ones, normal ones and black ones + a white.. sweater.. ?? something. aanndduuh. Yesterday I bought tickets for Dance of the vampires, which I'm gonna go watch with Jenni, yaaay~ Uuum.. I haven't done much besides that. I've been watching TV and that's it.

I feel even more inspired to get money and buy a PS3 than even before.. AND DO OTHER STUFF I feel so.. fhuakj wants to do everything but right now I srsly have to finish that Egypt thing THAT I DIDN'T WORK ON YESTERDAY OR THE WEEKEND. *angryface at myself* gah, i'm so hopeless.
Anyway so yeah. uh. I suppose that's that for now. It's interesting how I always want to do so many other things when i ahve something I have to do.. Why can't I find the inspiration without stress? THERE MUST BE A WAY!

- Niko

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