December 2, 2011

Fondu au Noir

Oh hi.
I got my computer back yesterday~ Tho when I opened it and turned it on I noticed this kind of big horrible thing...

They had changed my hard driver. Which means, all my pictures, files and programs are now gone. Every single piece of very important information, kapoosh. Gone. Didn't make me really happy.
The reason I sent it in for fixing was because of my fan, this is why I didn't copy everything to my Buffaloif, cause hey. They're gonna change a Fan, why the fuck would they touch my hard driver? I never even got informed about the fact my hard driver will be gone in the wind so that I could copy everything. They just took it, and destroyed it.
My computer is now also installed on Swedish, so I have to re-install it to turn it back to English. Why the fuck is all this shit happening?
Oh wait, I'm not done.
Today, when I was hurrying to an English test we had this morning, my bike broke. Or well, my dads bike. And I felt really bad, so not only was I angry cause we came late and my bike broke, but I also felt really shitty cause I had broken my DADS bike. I feel horrible... .__.;
My sis is at my grandma atm, so I'm enjoying a people free weekend. Until suddenly, my bro and his gf shows up and decides to sleep over. And drink. WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED!? I knew he was coming over to help me order my PS3 but he never said anything about partying and sleepovers. I'm a bit pissed, but okay...
So yeah, about the PS3, I almost own it. Buying it through a biding website so I .. Might get it ahahah, I'll have to see. Sent a message to the seller asking if I could buy it for the 170e I bid, haven't answered yet but.. Let's hope he says yes~ I have no idea if the PS I'm buying is good, but I'll just have to trust my bro on that.

uh.. what else.. Oh yeah, I finished that Euthanasia pic for my friends Amanda;

I'm so friggin proud.
Currently working on a new blog for my class, should make the layout someday soon, but yeah.. Uh. Gonna continue watching TV now.

- Niko

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