January 5, 2012


It's interesting how much more I was me in the past than I am now, even tho I didn't realize it back then and that's probably why I'm where I am atm. Damn, should've turned right at that one part.. fu.
I think it's cause in the past, at least at some point, sometimes, I didn't give a shit. I did what I found ... me. But you know then you come to the part where you start wondering who the hell you are just cause some dumb books and people ar
e like YYeeeaaah everyone goes through a phase where they search for themselves and blahblah bullshit, and then you loose yourself and end up like me; without a place in the world. Lost in myself, still wondering who the hell I am.
And I don't really know what you're supposed to do when you're lost in yourself, I suppose just being would be the answer, fuck everyone else and fuck their opinions and fuck it if your mom tells you you suck and fuck it if your friends laugh at your dumb ass hobbies that you're all alone with okay. Fuck them all. Okay cause it doesn't matter, what matters is what YOU want. What YOU want to do with your life, what YOU want to do during the weekends, who you wanna be with and when and fuuuucck everyone else's fucking dumb shit opinions okay, cause they're always wrong. always. They can never be right cause see, it's YOUR life not theirs, they have their own life's they can go fuck up and live as they please, none of our business, okay.
So, sort yourself out, it's not that hard. Srsly. I don't know the answer but okay I don't know, do as you please, I think that sounds fucking amazing. Think as you please, dress as you please, cut and have your hair as you please, dance as you please, sing as you please, don't take bullshit from no one, except if it's constructive critic, but don't take that either if you don't feel like you need it. You know you need it if you want to progress, so don't deny it then, just. listen. It doesn't have to be that every critic works for you, i mean, it's still your choice and everyone's not always right about everything, maybe you just can't work the way they work or shit. But keep stuff in mind, might be good. And if a lot of people say the same shit, listen. And listen good. Cause then something might actually be off.

Back to being you. Okay, have the hobbies you want, don't give a shit if no one else of your friends have the same hobbies or if those dumb bastards leave you just for your hobbies, okay, they're not worth being your friends then okay. I'm here for you, I'm here for everyone, if your friends leave you, you know you got me. Or if you believe in God or whatever higher power, I suppose you got him/her/it too so yeah. Your friends doesn't matter, unless they're real friends, who wouldn't leave you just cause you have other hobbies than football and shopping. Real friends stay cause they like who you are, not what you do on your free time or what music you listen too tho it's ofc easier to have friends with same kinds of interests.. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT OKAY. If your friends leave you, stick with me, stick with the universe, stick with morso until you make new ones, don't go fishin for those shitnibs that left you for something you love, okay. Not worth it at all.
Have hobbies you like, have hobbies you love. Dream big, dream small. Keep in mind that some dreams, such as becoming a pony and running on rainbows, might be something that probably wont come true, but I think we all know the difference between dreams that can come true and dreams that can't. And becoming an mangaka or comic artist is a dream that definitely can come true, no matter what anyone ways, okay. If you train hard and believe it will all be all right, Okay. No ones a super awesome coolio best comic artist ever without training, so don't be disappointed if your first comic turns out like the ultimate GNG rip off, or idk, just keep trying and think in new ways. AND TAKE CRITIC. But only if it's good, don't listen to bulshitter who tell you you can't become nothing CAUSE YOU'RE HOLDING THE PEN WRONG. Okay srsly, no such thing exists!  You can hold your pen however you like and still be awesome. You know, some people have to paint with their TOES and MOUTH, I don't think it really matter at all how you hold your friggin pen between your fingers so don't let haters like that get the best of you cause they're wrong. SH. Also don't listen to all the trolls and hatin, don't listen to "LOLOLOL YOU SUCK" "That dog is so UGLY" "Go kill yourself" okay, cause they're all just shit heads and I'm quite sure they can't draw at all.
And about your personality; don't worry too much. You will turn out just fine and motherfuckign gorgeous no matter what personality you have. Just cause you're shyer than some doesn't mean you suck. It doesn't mean you'd be less worth than them. They just happen to be good with people, and you're not alone with being the way you are, a lot of people are shy and can't speak to strangers, or make new friends as easily as some. It's just a part of life, and it doesn't mean your life is doomed to be shit just cause you may not communicate as openly as some. And if you really can't stand yourself being that way, do something about it. Trust me, it's not as hard as you might believe. Just take small steps and think positive, people aren't as nasty as you think. It's all just in your head. In fact, most people are really nice and friendly. And they're people just like you, so there's no need to be afraid of them. They will probably all love you really lots and lots.

ANOTHER THING you might want to keep in mind to not be a dick head is not to judge people, okay, srsly so much, TOO MUCH, judging going on. Just.. accept everyone and everything, I mean, you're you and you're different from everyone else and so is .., everyone else, logic. Okay no but they are people too and I don't think anyone likes being judged, it's just the way shit goes down, but be cool and don't judge people. Be open minded and open hearted and just.. don't hate anyone for the way they look, and if they're really mean, try to keep in mind that they probably don't feel too good about being dick either, I don't think a lot of people do, I didn't when I was one. So uh. yeah. No judging, you probably feel insecure walking around people too just cause you think of all the things they might thinks of you, so keep it in mind. Don't judge them, they don't deserve it. And I mean, it won't stop them from judging you but let them judge you then, their own fault and loss if they decide not to be friends with you just cause of the way you have your hair or the clothes you wear, cause you're a super awesome person so yeah.
Don't hate the way you look, cause you're pretty no matter what way you look. And don't be embarrassed of your past self, we all looked like shit sometime ahaha, dressing good is something you just have to learn, or then you decide not to give a shit. Anyway, just look however you want, if you're really miserable with your life cause of the way you look, you might want to do something about it, but you should accept yourself the way you are. Accept and love yourself. Cause you're beautiful, and there's always people that will love you, no matter what way you look. And being a skinny model doesn't make you pretty cause we're all pretty in our own ways, so.. Just be happy with what you look like and uh. Yeah. Love yourself.

- Niko 


  1. You know, this entire post is.. beautiful and deep and shit. *agrees to everything*

  2. Baw, thank you ;w; Just the fact that you actually read it makes me really happy.. ~

  3. Pft, I read all of your posts. All of them. No exceptions~ :3 Jag är bara lite ehm.. crap på att kommentera ^^;
