October 14, 2011

PHOTOSHOOOTTT [Day 14 - Your earliest memory.]

Ahihi yaay, I'm done with taking lame bathroom pictures with random make up and random hair!
I haven't edited any of them cause Iäm lazy and I want food, but I have plans on photoshopping them.. (as if I'll ever do it). BUT YEAH here's a few!

ahaihaia I'm beautifuull. Okay today's topic.
Umm I don't really know what my earliest memory is, but 2 things that I remember from when I was quite young is uh, this one time when my mom was cleaning our house and I asked if I could draw and she .. we had like this table and chair that was.. together putable. AHAHA collapsible? so yeah, I always used to draw using it, so yyeah, she was cleaning and I was sitting in my collapsible chairtable combination drawing!
The other early memory I have is me and my bro playing outside at this park with these climbing things and shiet, and he told me to try to get over this thing where it's like bars and shit and you're supposed to hang from them and move from bar to bar to the other side, and I ofc fell to the ground and started crying or someshit. :'D
OKAY uuh I'm hungry I'll go eat nao, LAME POSTS FTW. when am i gonna starts doing this properly..
- Niko

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