October 16, 2011

SSUUPP?? [day 16 muehheheh]

HAAII u gaaaiiis ♥ sorry I have been terribly boring and inactive lately, my heads just been a mess and there's been so much that I need to get done (still is but hey, it's okay!). BUT now I'm gonna try to write a proper blog post, I'm gonna tell you about  the dream I had.. 
Anyway, first things first!

Day 15 - Your favourite tumblrs.
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

Why I skipped the favorite tumblr thing is cause.. I don't really use tumblr that much and everyone I'm following are like.. favorite tumblrs cause there's just a few of them and I wouldn't follow them if they didn't post awsm shit u know so uh yeah.I'll skip that one and do the nextt onnee..
My views on mainstream music.. uh, is that like.. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, ... Rihanna? pr what? cause if it is then, okay. Um. I usually don't listen to mainstream music the way I listen to "my music" I mean, I don't like, get all their cds and constantly listen to their songs but I like all kinds of music so ofc I can listen to some of their songs sometimes, and I mean, they mostly make quite good music too, I mean like.. Rihanna and shiet, she makes music that makes me wanna dance, and I liek dancing so.. why not? So.. I don't have anything against mainstream music, it's still just music and .. it's just like all the other music in the world. It can be good, might be reeeaally good or then total shit. The fact that it's mainstream doesn't change it. Still just music. 

Yaaaay. And now onto telling bout my dreaaam. So uh. I have no idea why the fuck, but apparently me and some of my friends and some random people had climbed up to some cabin in the middle of the woods on some kind of a .. hill, mountain thing, it was rally hard to get up there and shit. I can't really remember what we did but there were some bears that got reeeeally pissed of and we became like hostages inside the cabin cause at one part me and my friend tried to sneak out and get help but the bears were liek GRROOAST6yghbakwlknhjak >:''BBBBBBBBBBB and we ran back into the cabin. I think at some point, our groups parted and tried to get down from the mountain hill thing from different sides and me and one of my friends got away and I think we got into town or something? Then at some part I lost her and.. I dunno really what happened, it was stupid :'D But the bears were really scary :''c

Okay, I'll go eat breakfast now! Then continue sewing~

- Niko

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