September 26, 2012



That's what my belly looks like. I'm so anxious about it right now, and I feel so extremely fat. I have so much pressure on me right now cause 1. I'm going to Greece in a couple of weeks, and I really want to feel comfortable enough to be on the beach, but as it seems to be right now, I wont be able to do shit in Greece...
2. People have always complimented me because of my belly, and I've always been so proud of the fact that I felt the way that it would be much flatter than everyone else's . But now I'm just really scared that someone will notice "ooh her belly's all fatfat now, mines soo sliiiimmmm aaahh" CAUSE that'd mean I have nothing special. I wouldn't look any special aahh. I mean, my legs are like fucking elephants and I have hips that could hug the earth,... And my face is just really ugly and worthless and very fat looking.

And it's not only my belly that's making me feel so .. fucked up, it's just like.. everything. I feel so uncomfortable with all of me. And my hair too. I'm so sick and tired of it, I'd just want to rip it of my head so I wouldn't have to think of it anymore. I have considered cutting it, but I just don't know how, since I'd probably look fucking super retarded in that hairstyle too. EVERYTHING LOOKS RETARDED ON ME buaaah. I'm so ugly.

I'm so unhappy with my current life situation. Everyday I just wish I could just.. lie down and never have to wake up to another day, just so go through the same shit again. I just want it to stop spinning and pause for a while so I can catch up and stop being this pathetic piece of crap.

- Niko

1 comment:

  1. Du behöv int tro me om int du vill, Hanna, men ja tänker precis i sånadär banor varenda dag, varenda minut... Rätt så creepyt ti sii nan skriv exakt va som pågår i ejns hövo :O Anyway, du böv int tro på me nu hellder tå ja sägr dehär, men he e ren å skär sanning: Tu e jävligt vacker. Du e he. Du förtjänar ti leva å va glad precis lika myki som jag å all ader. Nu vejt ja att ja låter som na värsta tukude religious people som ba "AAAH JESUS ÄLSKAR DIG DU ÄR VÄRDEFULL!" å fan ja vill int låt som na sånt, men ja menar faktiskt att du e en vacker människo! Snälla, glöm int bort he!

    Kjaaaam, Lillmöööö! <3
