May 28, 2011


Yay, once again that goddamn day has managed to change before I had a chance to update my blog.. goddamit. ANYWAY.
Befroe I start talking about project 9 I just have to say... Congratz to 3 months, me and Valter. We're just awesome like that!
Love you babeeh~ ♥
Back to the topic. The first day of Project 9 has gone..... okay I suppose? I've got 13 sketch pages done, of which 2 are inked. Wait. Did I ever tell you what my project is? No?
Okay, so I'm gonna try to draw 50 comic pages in 3 days, it's not impossible but very hard, but I'm gonna cheat. We have this weekend + 1 extra day, so yay for working hard and not sleeping. Coffé is my friend. My belly does not like. Anyway, I took a few photos as progressing, cause we have to show somekind of work in progress or what we did w/e in school so yeha, prolly gonna make a vid with pics of me working and maybe print the comic pages if possible..

First I put my mp3 on...

... Then I had to clean my desk so I could work.

Once that was done I started working.


.. Uh.. sketch page?

YAY! 11 pages sketched!

Done inking~

And then last but no least, a pretty pic of me from today. 

Sorry my boobs are so distracting.. ! And I apparently have a bird tattoo on one of them.. and I'm apparently also Harry Potter. With a mustache. And no, of course I didn't Photoshop this pic! ... or?
- Niko

May 27, 2011

How are you? ♥

.. Every time I'm supposed to start writing a new blog entry, it just feels horribly hard and impossible, just like when you have a white paper in front of you and maybe a slight idea or non at all of what you're going to draw or create. Yeah, that feeling. Tho, it usually disappears as fast as I've gotten a few lines in, right about. Now. :')

So, we can start of with Bakacon, I should've updated about it before, I know, sorry, but I haven't really had time. School and everything has been killing me, you seriously wouldn't have wanted to be around me. .. You still don't want to. Many reasons.
Back to Bakacon, it was great fun! Sure, I hadn't slept almost at all for weeks before the con, just 4 hours the night before the con, then sat on a train for 6h and killed my shoulders, neck and back with carrying 3, sometimes 4, very heavy bags from one place to another, but hey, besides all that it was awesome! :''D

Me and Amanda

I was there with my friends, as I mentioned, and it was her first con, and I'm really glad she liked it, and it was probably one of the best cons I've been too, because of her. Normally i hang with so much people at cons and I keep changing groups and running from one place to another but this time, I was with one and the same person for the 2 days the con lasted, and we pretty much always had something to say cause we haven't know each other for too long and it was her first con so, yeah. And she's in general a very nice person, so it was very nice!

On the first day of con, we woke up like 5AM something to get done and get to the train that would take us to Pieksämäki, and once we arrived there we headed of to the con where we got in and changed to our cosplays on a toilet. Convenient. And then we just enjoyed the day, until like 6PM when we headed to the sleeping place. We changed and went on a hunt for food and thanks to Amanda's GPS we found a Hesburger where we finally got soemthing to eat. 

Hesburger ♥

Rest of the evening we spent just reading manga pretty much, and eating pocky ofc, then we headed off to the land of dreams...
The next morning we got done for the con, got our ridiculously heavy bags and headed back to the place where the con was. Shitty as my costumes always are, it started falling apart, and once we had arrived at the con my pumpkin fell of.. We did a quick fix and saved it. Uh, we did the same as the day before, haha. And then around 3PM we got to our train and got back home safely.

That face everytime my cosplay broke. More.

Many took pictures of us, and I'm very glad Amanda got to experience it cause she totally deserved it, such an amazing cosplay AND It's her FIRST! She's awesome, eh?

I bought some awesome stuff at Bakacon, ofc;
- 1,2 High School of the Dead (manga)
- 1,3-6 Tarot Café (manga)
- Higurashi 10 (manga)
- Tokyo Gore Police (dvd)
- Shitloads of Pocky!

some pics from the con
An aweosme Panty (Panty & Stocking w/ Garterbelt) cosplayer ♥

Hanyuu & Rena from Higurashi ♥

Scanty & Kneesock, also from Panty & Stocking ♥

Picture spam of us ♥

Thanks to Harakka for taking this lovely picture of us!
Go check out her blog!

I think that's about it about Bakacon.. Uh what else. We're pretty much done with school, or well. we still have this and next week, but I wont really be in school, we have Project 9 so we get to work at home. Gosh, it feels so odd to know that you'll be done with basic school in just about a week.. wtf.. scary.
Today we also put up our art project works, I took some pics, not the best ones but yeah, I'll probably get a better pic of my painting sometime when I get to take it home.

Also, we had a fashion show kindaish thing, cause we had a project in sewing / sewing class that we'd design a collection and then sew at least 2 of the things in our collection, then wear it on a photo shoot and up on the catwalk, went like shit but I hope there's some good photos, my teacher told me that pretty much all of my photos were good so.. I'm just gonna trust her on that one.

I'm so in love with a few Gaga songs, or actually almost the whole new album, I've been listening to it all day and I just gotta say, Baby, I was born this way, and I'm still in love with Judas.

Also, today, I went to the movies with Valter to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean, it was awesome! 3D and all, I love 3D movies ♥ I had a pair of free movie tickets so we got popcorn and soda for free too, totally worth it :')

I think that's about it for now, gonna try to get some updates done during Project 9, sorry for not being too active! .. and for the crazy picture spam.
- Niko

May 8, 2011


Oh gawd. it's been forever since last time, again, hasn't it?
Wish I'd have time enough and interesting life enough to write about it in my blog ahaha :'D Maybe i'd get some readers too if the case was so.
Umm. Nothing new really, just.. much more stress. Right now my stuff to do list looks like this;

- Math test Tomorrow
- Physics test 12.5
- Mother tongue project done 'til 13.5
- Cosplay done 'til 13.5
- BAKACON 14-15.5
- Biology test 20.5
- Entrance examination 20.5

Yeah.. I haven't read to the math test, but it really doesn't matter that much, the physics test I find a bit more important so I'll try to learn something to it, cause I srsly at the moment have no idea what we've been talking about (been drawing every class... <__<'''). The MT project is... mmeeeh, going down hill cause I have no idea what or how to write it (we're supposed to write about some books) and.. I've made half of my first version, started on a second, we'll see what I end up with..
The cosplay.. Actually I could show you some pics;

So, I'm going to cosplay Lambdadelta from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, and she looks like this;

So yeah, quite a lot to do yeh?
Okay, I'm pretty much done with the upper dress part, just need to get the zipper in and ofc make all the ribbons and the pumpkin, I have the pearl thing but I'll attach it later.

That was some progress pic I took after attaching the flounce so I'm a bit more ... done than on that pic :''))

Um yeah, so I have the hat, the.. long.. pink skirt thingy and the white kirtle left. And ofc all the ribbons. And the pumpkin. And some beads, that I'll start working on when I'm done with this post. I have done like.. 3 ribbons, only 12 more to go, yay. AND I have the hugest prob with finding the right shoes, mehh :'( and yees I also have the socks and the.. red white sock things whatever :''D But yeah, Tomorrow I'll go on a last check for shoes, I'll just take the first best ones that are red and look somewhat alike. And I'll also buy more red for the ... bows.. yeah. I don't dare cut my red riding hood halloween costume, that'd be a bit sad. 

UUH anywaaay. what else what else.. Oh yeah, It's gonna be really fun to go to Bakacon, I'm going there with my friend, it's gonna be her first con and she's going to cosplay Bernkastel from the same series~ I'll bring my camera, try to get some pics at least, maybe make an update about it~

I've also decided to start selling Kigurumis to anyone who wants to order one and tried to advertise it on some places, with some success. Haven't got in any orders yet but, there's been a lot of positive response so.. I hope I'll get something sold!
I also got a summer job for a few days, I'll be taking photos for a company so.. I hope that'll be interesting!

Until next time!
- Niko