November 8, 2012


I wouldn't really want to accept the fact that I'm allergic to animals with fur, but I suppose I just have to. I'd really like to be able to have an own small dog or cat when I move away from home, but I've come to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't. I feel the way that I would ever actually be able to be close with my pet since I wouldn't be able to cudle with it, and it probably couldn't be that close to me since I would most likely not be able to even have it in my lap.  I know there are some hypoallergenic pets, but I still wouldn't be symptom free, so I might as well just accept my situation.

I am currently using a Ventoline diskus to help me with my allergy problems. I do take pills to if I feel I need to, but mostly I just have hard to breathe and so I use the diskus. But I think it's really nice that I am allowed to have it. It's so nice to just be able to.. breathe again.
I didn't actually think I'd get more of it (I usually get just for the springs because of the pollen) since I don't think I'm classified as a person with asthma, but I luckily did get more. I thought the doctors would just tell us to get rid of our pets or something.

But it's really nice and comfy to be able to just take a dose whenever it gets difficult to breathe. I would normally never do anything about my unbreatheability, since I wouldn't in most cases even have ventoline and because I didn't want to be dependent on some medicine.
But I actually quite like it now.

- Niko

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