March 30, 2014


In lack of people to talk to, I decided to post something in my blog. I really have nothing of importance to say, but I always seem to be able to write something once I start...
I often feel like I wanna write stuff somewhere where people can read it, but at the same time it doesn't feel right to post certain things since I know certain people read what I write, and making a new "secret" blog wouldn't help since no one would find their way there to read it. And writing in my diary feels so unnecessary, how is it helping me at all? Well, anyway. I came to realize that what I actually feel is just the want and need for someone to listen to me, I just want someone to talk to. But I don't really have anyone to talk to who'd make me feel.. "satisfied" with the conversation, you know what I mean? Just anyone won't do, it has to be someone who actually has something to add to the whole conversation and thought process..
Aaaand then I come to the point where everything I've just written just feels stupid and pointless and I consider just deleting it all, like so many times before.

Seriously tho, why do I still have a blog?


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