April 19, 2014

grown upsy

I've come to realize I actually quite like photography. 
..But I don't really feel that comfy with uploading things I've photographed cause I feel like they're so average and like... I've basically just pushed a button, how can any of these pics really ever be appreciated, I just take the same sort of pics everyone else also takes, they're all just the same, nothing special, nothing I feel I really need to show off. I just feel like people don't need to see MY photos, cause they can find the exact same ones in someone else's photo folder, ya get me?
But it's still quite enjoyable, and I personally think I have a lot of good shots hahaha... but they're like.. not casual and "just recording my everyday life for my blog" kinda photos, at least not most of the time, but they're still not the hind end sorta art photos, they're just some weird in between pics of stuff I find interesting or whatever..
Just thoughts about that... Here, have a photo. 

It's a weird thing, this whole "not feeling okay with uploading things" cause I now just did, and then it kinda just sounds like I want attention, like "buhuhu my photography sucks, just look at how awful it is", but that's not what I'm trying to say here, I just.. Hmm. My photo's just feel so.. casual, and average and.. I guess I just feel like I haven't put much effort into it, like not in the same way as when I draw or paint, that can take up to like 10h, while most of my photography is just like "wow, I really like how this thing looks like now, guess I'll take a few pics".. IDK, oh god, just trying to explain that I'm not whining about my photography skills or the pics I take I just.. don't know. 

On another note, about this whole blog thingy, I was thinking about the whole.. thing about me mostly writing not very happy things here, and then I thought about the possibility to do so, but it's like... I feel like I don't want to preach some "be positive, life will be good" sorta thing, cause I don't want people to think I'm super naive (which I am, tbh haha),and that's why it feels more okay to write .. sadder stuff. or just more serious stuff. But then again I feel like I've come to the age where publicly posting negative stuff on the internet is kind of awkward. It doesn't feel as okay as it did when I was 16. I feel like one should be all grown upsy and stuff, and idk... not whine about non existing problems on the internet in their blog that no one even reads. 

Well, I'm off to hunt some eggs now, have a nice easter yall.


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