March 18, 2012

serious coffee and tea business

Today I want to bring up yet another very important topic.

yup folks.

I can't stand any of these two substances, even tho I would love to cause... they smell like heaven ifljsl.
SRSLY THO. I don't understand wwhy that dark brown liquid has to be so.. sour. WHY. I mean, it tastes just absolutely horrifying and and, it's so STRONG. My belly can't take it.
I don't understand how people can drink it, and think it's good. Tho, I'd love to be one of them. I love the smell of coffee and it's as deceiving as always when you try it. It's like YEAH, this smells good how could it ever taste ba- KILL ME NOW. BLARRgggHHHgdjsdkd and then I die. ö_ö SERIOUS BUSINESS IS SERIOUS.
And same goes for tea. ;_; It's like oh my god there's so many tea sorts that smell like nomnomnom but not a single one of them actually taste good. SOB. I've only tasted one tea so far that has been kind of drinkable maybe somtimes. It's some kinda berry tea and uh yeah.
BUT FOR EXAMPLE ginger or whatever tea, SMELLS SO AMAZING, but tastes so bad. so bad. so bad. WWHHYY.
Uh oh. and chocolate coffee. Well you can already guess but yeah, I bought it since it smelled NOM even outside the package and I took it home and I was like ohmygodiwillneveragainhavetoeatchocolate YAAY. But I was so wrong. i would have top eat so much more chocolate not to die of the horrible coffee taste. It didn't taste chocolate really at all. Tho my mom (who drinks coffee at a normal basis) said there was a strong taste of chocolate involved. Tho I didn't taste shit of that chocolate. I could smell it, but not taste it :'C

Can't someone just invent a good smelling and TASTING coffee, since I really want to drink coffee..

Okay I'll go cry over my back pains now BAI

- Niko

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