July 5, 2011

Rubber like in Rubbish

Today I woke up from an odd dream. I dreamed, I was preggo, and everyone tried to take care of me cause apparently me having a baby was the best thing ever, so I hid in the basement to be alone. Then I woke up.
I also had another dream that I wont be mentioning :')

Making patterns~

Ah, lovely fabric öwö

Anyway, I've been just, making costumes all day. or well, I also ate delisch .. Vietnamese food? and watched a movie; Rubber

Rubber is a movie made back in 2010, lol. It's actually quite senseless, and they start the movie by telling you, or well, some people in the movie that are audience to.. I'll get to that, Anyway. They have these chairs on a rode, a car drives up, crashes the chairs one by one, then a sheriff gets out of the car trunk and tell you that good movies have "No reason" in them, life has a lot of "No reason" in it and so this movie will continue a whole bunch "No reason".
So there's this audience, in the middle of the desert, pretty much, and there's this nerdy looking guy who hands them some binoculars. They're about to watch a real life non-real life movie through those binoculars about this tire that just gets up and starts killing people. And then that's all there's pretty much to it. + a whole bunch of "No Reason".
This has got to be one of the MOST annoying movies I have ever seen, cause. It was just so.. "No reason", too much "no reason". And the movie in it self is kind of boring too, it's never like really.. intense. But if you feel like watching a quite slow 'horror' movie with a bit of gore and a lot of random shit going on I recommend this. Also if ur bored out of ur mind.

I haven't been up to much more than that today.. Probably gonna go out with my dog in just a second and then continue sewing through the night, must remember to drink coffee ~

I want to have a contest...
- Niko

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