July 5, 2011


... It's depressing, looking at other people's blogs, they always have such beautiful layouts, like they actually work for the blog to look good. Krhm, me? A lazy person? Stop kiddin!
No but seriously, my patience is crazily bad and I am a total lazy ass, and those two together, not good. I even noticed while filling in pictures with white, I first drew a line around the parts I wanted left so i'd just need to fill in the rest with white but srsly, even then I had hard sticking to the draw around and then fill in, I was so eager to get to the fill in part so I seriously had to really hard concentrate on not starting to fill in before the lining. I'm odd like that.

Anyway, today I got home from Vallu, had a lovely time there ♥ And Anni had received my CD and mine and Vallus T-shirts today, so I went to town to meet her and ended up going to her place to watch both of the Transformers movies, cause she wanted to have someone to go watch the third one with so now apparently I'm going to the cinema on thursday. Transformers are awesome!

The Blur t-shirt we bought are XL, fucking huge, but cute, and they're soft, I so want to sleep in them ♥ And I know someone who just loves big band t-shirts... :')

I look fucking gorgeous, I know

I think that's it for now, I promised my friend I'd start on zi cosplay when I get home, guess I should keep my promise, for this once.. :'D

"... That moment when u think about telling someone something but you don't really thing about doing it but then you do it and then u don't know u did it."
- Niko


  1. The people only see these things that think beautiful... I'm very lazy too, and many times I'm not worry about my appearance, about how the people can see myself. I have my blog for me, and I want to look's good but if I don't get, don't care!!
    I love Blur, I have all his CD's, I love Damon Albarn! ♥­
    I erased my previous comment, he said nothing!
    Sorry for my bad English, I'm learning yet!


  2. nuki, Haha yes, you really shouldn't care what people think as long as you're happy with what you do, how you look and all that :') Wish I'd understand that some day.. haha.
    Oh yes! Blur is just .. pure love for my ears! ♥ I'd wish to buy some other of their CD's once I get some more money ~
    No worries, your English is fine~ :')
