October 5, 2011

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Nomnomnom writing in school atm cause.. we're supposed to do something instead of just slacking off ahahaha. Yeah and this is totally doing something.. :''))) Uh yeah, we have this story thing that we maybe actually should be writing on but.. I have no fucking idea what to write about so I'll leave it for naaoo.

On to todays topic~
Um yeah, my zodiac is Aries for all those who can't figure it out.. uuh yeah I think it fits me kind a well or then I'm just like so affected by knowing what a typical aries is like so i kinda liek... become.. one.. ?? Or then I just think that okay well I know I think but uh that I am an aries, but I don't know "who" "what" I am or like.. yeah, so I'm not completely  like an aries, cause I don't know the way to be me.. or something. But yeah, I like my zodiac and I think it suits me c:

.. I want to write more but I don't have much to say. tho I had this idea that I'd like.. write about a few persons without them knowing it's them, without anyone knowing who they are and like.. idk, i just love doing stuff like this ahaha. But yeaah, suppose I could do that.. ? :'D I'll probably just write about one person.. at a time. That way there wont be toooo much text and I know everyone's just as lazy as I am so.. you don't feel like reading anything too long.

Uh. I don't know, if I'm friends with this person anymore, I haven't spoken with them for a .. very long time now, but I still kind of consider us friends, probably cause I was so close to them back in the past. I've spoken to their friends but haha, that's it. I haven't seen them for a very long time either, but.. uh. i have actually no fucking idea why that is cause this person cosplays.. or used to.. or I don't know, i haven't spoken to them in a long while so I have actually no idea what's going on in their lives atm. I spent all my nights.. and days talking with this person and we both didn't sleep very much haha. We just stayed up like.. until 3 every night or something and then I atleast got up 6 and.. uh. yeah, not much of sleep. My phone bill was also sky high, because of this person, back in the past. .. Why does it seem I texted much more then than what I do now.. buhuh, I have become lonelier. Oh well, I have real friends nao öwö Okay we'll this person was a real person and a real friend but but they lived so far away, and we hardly ever met so.. it's not the same you know. Actually now when I think about it, i have no fucking idea, why we stopped talking.. ?? Okay well whatever.. That's.. mind fucking. Aahaha. but yeah, as I said, I do talk to their friends and their friends are ofc also my friends, but not as much as I used to and we say hi if we meet in cons and shit but.. yyeaah. I have no idea what else to write about this person.
Oh well, first crush, I'll leave it at that.

- Niko

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