October 9, 2011

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss

Ehahaha haven't been writing for a while cause.. I've been busy. Not even sorry~
Anyway, let's stop the chitchat and get to business baby

.. Define "Love": when I actually consider I've felt love. Not those fake relationship things you had as a kid or sumthn. And nothing close to first crush or anything nuh uh. Anyway, now that we got that clear, let's proceed...
My first love was and still is Vallu, I mean, I have had relationships before this and I have all kinds of shit going on, but the only time I can say I have actually felt love would be this time. I don't think crushes can be counted in, no matter how you 'loved' that person, cause love isn't real, until someone loves you back. That's when I think it actually becomes.. real. or that's when I at least felt it was real. When it's just one way it's not the same, not at all. You know, cause it's so much more when someone actually loves you back and cares about you and all that. So yeah, Vallu is my first love... ♥~
Hmm.. first kiss... Uuh. It's hard to say when or with who that was, ahaha. Cause, as a kid (I dunno if I'm just weird or if other kids also do this..) I hade like.. "fake" kisses and shit with my friends on the toilets to see what it's like AHAHA. okay we're so cool. But yeah, I think my first kiss was with some of my friends on a toilet as a kid.. giggle. But like, first.. real time was probably with this one dude that I was together with during 1st and 2nd grade, back then I felt real cool cause not many my age had a boyfriend and not many of them had made out with anyone AHAHA oh damn our relationship was such bullshit.. Oh well.

I think I'm done now.. Hng, I might make a more proper update some day but I'll just go continue sewing now..~
- Niko

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